MATtam 39

Manto Arte Temporanea | Temporary Art Manto
short exhibitions in found spaces

Il Cubo | Via XX Settembre 31 | Mantova

Zaza Calzia

Parole incantate

Saturday July 1 2017
only between 5:30 and 7:30 PM

In this MATtam Calzia exhibits a tight group of compositions from 2017. They consist of type and sentences cut from the pages of Espresso magazine, glued on paper which is then mounted on plywood tablets always cm. 15 x 15. Printed paper is her quarry. From it she extracts the matrices she transforms in complex geometries that are also particularly attractive for their apparent simplicity. There are thousand variants in her interplay of phonetic and visual combinations from which emanates an indefinable intensity.

Zaza Calzia (born Cagliari 1932, lives and works in Rome).
After studying and teaching in Sassari, the first works are in the Informel style. She is part of the Gruppo A. Very soon Calzia starts experimenting with varied industrial materials. The Lettres Découpées (cutup types) begins in the sixties and flourishes alongside so many different other art ventures she engages in. Many exhibitions of her art are presented here and there. She directs the Pictorial Decoration Workshop and until 1997 teaches Professional Drawing and Planning at the State Institute of Art Rome-2.

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Temporary Art Manto
short exhibitions in found spaces

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MATtam. An informal series of very short moments of art or other stuff for an open and live exchange of ideas and inventions.