MATtam 67

Manto Arte Temporanea | Temporary Art Manto
short exhibitions in found spaces

Tinelli di Palazzo Te | Mantova

Antonella Gandini


Sunday January 28th 2024
only between 10:30 AM and 12:30 PM

I have represented female faces of the past and present, in the attitude of classical portraiture, but which, unlike the figures of the past, present a disturbance, an expressive element that contrasts with the beauty and changes the ease of reading. I show, through the use of the portrait, the contradiction that simultaneously conceals and exposes. Through the disturbing window that I open onto the canons of the past, I invite you to explore the infinite complexity of the vision of the work of art.

For a long time I dedicated myself to painting. I have been exhibiting in public and private places since 1983. I started using analog photography in 2000, I printed my works which I exhibited in various solo shows, among others, Tinelli di Palazzo Te, Lunanera, 2009. I’m part of the Women Photographers Association, which promotes cultural initiatives and exhibitions on gender identity.
My book Diario Intimo, Memorie d'artista series, ed. Peccolo, was presented in various venues including Palazzo Re Enzo, Bologna. In 2018 I was invited to the Stadtische Galerie, Rosenheim, Bookworks, Studio Expurgamento, London and to Visuali Italiane, Roonee Gallery, Tokyo. Selected for the 70th Premio Michetti, Francavilla a Mare, Chieti, Phes+ival, Avanguardie Fotografie, Officine Creative, Perugia, in 2022 at the Biennale Le latitudini dell'arte, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa, and at the 5ème Festival de la Photographie Surrealiste, Fréjus.
My monographic book, In-naturale, 2022, which accompanies the solo exhibitions, Cena per due, Palazzo Facchi, and In-naturale Spazio Fondazione Negri, Brescia, was presented at the Spazio Te in Mantua, at the Macof in Brescia and in 2023 at the Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art of Rome.

"The enigma of these available faces undermines the impulse to initiate aesthetic automatisms and to cage seduction in obviousness." Donata Negrini

Co-production with

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Temporary Art Manto
short exhibitions in found spaces

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MATtam. An informal series of very short moments of art or other stuff for an open and live exchange of ideas and inventions.